Wednesday, July 31, 2019

“Of Mice and Men” A comparison between the book and film Essay

The similarity between the book and the film â€Å"Of Mice and Men† is most evident. Even so, there are a few differences, some insignificant and other crucial. However, in the majority of the scenes, the dialogs are taken literally from the book. The first difference appears in the introduction of the film. The book starts by describing the surrounding landscape of the Salinas Valley where Lennie and George spend the night by the river. We learn that Lennie is mentally challenged and how this affected their stay at the farm where they previously worked. The film starts, however, by showing Lennie and George escaping from this farm and their journey to Salinas Valley. Another difference that I noticed is concerning Curley’s wife. In the book there is a scene where Lennie, Candy and Crooks are gathered in Crooks’ room. After a while, Curley’s wife emerges and the atmosphere becomes unpleasant. Crooks finds the courage to stand up against her, and when he does, she verbally breaks him down. In the movie this scene never takes place, and by eliminating this incident Curley’s wife’s destructive nature stays unrevealed. The scene where George is about to shoot Lennie is also different in the film than in the book. In the book this episode is long and George has a hard time shooting Lennie. I get the impression that George is hesitating and unsure if this is the right thing to do. In the film the scene is much shorter and George appears considerably more secure . The movie ends with a scene where George and Lennie work together on the little farm that they where planning to buy. This is not in the book at all. Other scenes that were left out in the movie:The scene where Lennie has hallucinations about a giant rabbit and his aunt Clara. The scene after George has killed Lennie. In the book Slim comforts George by taking him for a drink. And the scene where Candy comes into the room when Lennie and Crooks are talking about the little farm they are buying. In the film Crooks never finds out about the little farm. In my opinion both the film and the book has its flaws. In the film some crucial scenes are removed, but I thought that the characters in the movie were better than in the book. In the book, I liked neither George nor Lennie. I got the impression that George was a sensitive and kind man. He always watched over Lennie and tried do the right thing. In the film George is everything he is in the book, but he is also a wise man who people can seek advice from. He has an inquisitive and contemplating look about him. I also liked Lennie better in the movie. In the book he was just a mentally challenged character, but in the film he becomes a person with real feelings and I understand his actions on another level. I believe that this would be a better film if they had shortened it. It seems to me that the film is an unnecessarily prolonged version of the book. On the other hand, taking to many liberties when adapting this modern classic into a film would not be a smart thing to do.. Even so, I still think that the filmmakers should have left out some insignificant scenes. The story however, is brilliant; the irony in the end where George kills Lennie out of love, how the story is composed of four major issues,(the value of dreams and goals, moral responsibility, social injustice, and the bond of friendship and loyalty,) and how loneliness is one of the main emotions. The story is brilliant and genius, and only an outstanding writer like John Stenbeck can create a masterpiece like this.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bentham’s Act Utilitarianism can be used in making

Explain how Bentham's Act Utilitarianism can be used in making moral decisions BY AltceReid20 Jeremy Bentham was a philosopher, economist, atheist and social reformer. Being a social reformer means that Bentham worked to make a gradual change to society. Being an economist meant that he had knowledge in the social science and discipline of economics. Bentham was a philosopher because he studied ways of thinking about the world. This all had an impact on the way his ideas were influenced. He developed the theory known as Act Utilitarianism.His version of Utilitarianism is referred to as Act' Utilitarianism because it states that the principle of utility should be applied to every act performed in each unique situation. Any act is Justifiable if it produces ‘the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number'. By the principle of utility Bentham meant the ‘usefulness' of a situation. The principle states that we should aim to achieve ‘the greatest happiness for the greatest number'. Act Utilitarianism depends on each action or each individual dilemma being calculated.According to Act Utilitarianism it is the value of the consequences of the particular act that counts. In 1789 he wrote the book ‘An Introduction to the principle of morals and legislation' He believed our main aim in life was to achieve ‘happiness' and to avoid ‘pain', he wanted to introduce this to society to maximise the amount of happiness produced in certain situations. His theory was made to drive a human being; pain v pleasure. As people are motivated by pleasure and pain is considered evil. As stated in his book: ‘Nature has placed mankind under the governance of to sovereign masters, pain and pleasure'.Jeremy Bentham's theory is considered as relativistic; this means that here are no universal norms or rules and that each situation has to be looked at independently because each situation is different. It is also thought of as a teleological the ory. This means that it is concerned with the end purpose or goal of an action in this case it should always be happiness. Bentham's theory was also considered to be consequentialist; this means that moral decisions should be based on the outcome or consequences of an action. Bentham felt that society needed a form of structure for making moral decisions influencing him to introduce ActUtilitarianism to help treat each moral decision as unique. He was very concerned with the social conditions of his day, becoming particularly involved with both hospitals and prisons. He also believed in women's vote and the decriminalisation of homosexuality. He developed the principle of utility in his theory which states that an action is right if it produces the ‘greatest happiness for the greatest number'. He had strong beliefs of maximising the quantity of happiness; he was not concerned about prioritising which form of happiness were superior to others. Bentham wrote in theRationale of R eward: ‘Prejudice apart, the game of push-pin is equal of value with the arts of sciences of music and poetry'. Bentham's position was that all pleasures are of equal value. From this he devised the hedonic calculus as a means of measuring happiness. Hedone meaning pleasure. There are 7 parts of the hedonic calculus being intensity, duration, certainty, remoteness, richness and purity which all link to measuring the amount of happiness that a certain situation will produce. An example be applied by using the hedonic calculus to help decide whether it is morally right.A scenario, of a 16 year old girl called Katy wants an abortion because she doesn't want to have a baby. However, her parents are Christians and do not agree with her having an abortion. Abortion is thought of as an ethical issue because people argue whether it is right or wrong. As Bentham's theory is concequentialist all Judgements made should be based on the outcome. Using the hedonic calculus can measure/estim ate the amount of happiness that will be produced. To decide upon the action taken on abortion the intensity of happiness will be produced.In this scenario, the strength of the happiness of the girl, the parents and society will be taken into to help provide the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people. The duration of the happiness will also be taken into account, to measure how long the happiness will last for. In this case, how long will the happiness of the girl last if she has an abortion? The certainty of the situation will be measured to determine whether happiness is guaranteed to be produced. Will having an abortion actually produce happiness for Katy and her parents?The extent of the happiness will be evaluated to decide how many people it will effect. In this example, will it affect her parents and society more than it'll effect her if she has an abortion? The remoteness of abortion will be checked to determine how soon the happiness will occur. It w ill be debated whether having an abortion will immediately make the girl happy straight away and/ or in the future. This links to the richness of a situation evaluating how much happiness it may produce in the future. In this case, will abortion still provide the girl ith happiness in the future? r will it affect her family and society more so? Again, this links with the purity of the situation which is the decision of whether it will provide unhappiness in the future. Will abortion cause unhappiness for the girl, her family and society. As you can see the hedonic calculus works towards bringing the greatest happiness to the greatest amount of people measuring the quality of happiness not the quantity. In this example, the hedonic calculus would help to decide whether abortion is morally right helping to make moral decisions.The edonic calculus helps you to weigh out what is morally right in a situation giving an objective view reducing opinions and biased options. It takes multiple choices into account excluding religion. In this case, the hedonic calculus would decide that is morally right for Katy to have an abortion. The hedonic calculus would conclude this because society may think that 16 is too young to have a baby which would provide them with more overall happiness of the girl having an abortion. However, having the abortion may cause unhappiness for her family but forgiveness is in the heart ofChristians, if they understand that having an abortion will create a very high amount of happiness for Katy and many people of society may agree with her having an abortion it outweighs the unhappiness of the parents. If Katy was to follow through with her abortion it would provide her more happiness in the meanwhile and future as having a baby may affect multiple aspects of her life. As you can see the hedonic calculus works towards bringing happiness to the greatest amount of people therefore supporting Bentham's beliefs and following Act Utilitarianism.

Do people deserve a second chance Essay

Do people deserve a second chance? The question may be easy to ask, but quite difficult to answer. In life, most people believe that they deserve a second chance. However, there are so many different factors that go into a decision on whether or not to give someone a second chance. In literary work, there are numerous examples of asking and sometimes receiving second chances. It’s usually better if the author has personal experience to draw upon when it comes to the material that they write about. One of the best examples of getting a second chance was Raymond Carver. Having grown in a family with very limited financial resources and a father who was drinking, Raymond Carver was exposed to the unpleasantness at an early age. As he grew older, he started drinking himself. Eventually, the author battled alcoholism and was able to beat it. He was given a second chance in life. The honesty in Carver’s work undeniable; he was able to relate his struggles to his characters lo oking for a second chance, thus making his readers aware of the importance of giving people another chance to improve their lives. A group of writers who formed the â€Å"Dirty Realism Writing School† became popular in 1980’s. They wrote stories on real life and their characters are deep in disappointment and tragedy. Raymond Carver one of the writer’s, who wrote as a master of minimalism, his writing technique creates a sense of uncertainty and he leaves the reader guessing. Carver in his real life was not a minimalist: in fact it was ironic that he was the opposite, he was a walking tragedy, which showed in the â€Å"Cathedral† and â€Å"A Small, Good Thing.† The stories were simple and packed with deep emotional feelings, its gives the reader a true inner look at one self. This article will demonstrate that the author always left it to the readers to draw their own conclusions, his stories are similar to the way Carver lived his own life, having a Second Chance. (Comninos, Raymond Carver: A Writer’s life, 2009, p. 1) One could only desire to look at the stories in â€Å"Beginners† and the ones in â€Å"What We Talk About† to recognize changes: the prose in â€Å"Beginners† to make up a compact collection of narration shattered by a flashed of dialogue; in â€Å"What We converse About† there is so much white space that some of the tales â€Å"After the Denim† look like a story in a mystery novel. In numerous cases, the man who didn’t permit editor to change his own work gutted Carver’s and on this subject Sklenicka voices a fury she is either reluctant or unable to rally on Maryann’s behalf calling Lish’s revising of Carver â€Å"a usurpation.†Ã‚  He enforced his own ideas on Carver’s stories, which Carver was credited was actually Lish’s deal. (Clark, 2013) In his interview with (Simpson, 2013). He spoke about his life and the experiences, he is usually thought of as a writer committed to a basically realist mode. The stories seemed to incorporate elements of authority or fiction. The fiction in his stories appears to reflect on itself and question its own status.. Raymond Carver stories are about historical events and relationships between fiction and the truth, its more truth than fiction. The story â€Å"Put Yourself in my Shoe,† this is from his first volume â€Å"Will You Be Quit Please?† This story is about a writer someone like Carver, a person who was having a tough life, a failure, a drunk. Carver’s wife and two children were fed up with his drinking and couldn’t take it anymore, so when he moved to California his Maryann didn’t go. That was the end of his marriage and the beginning of his second life. Carver’s second chance at life and love came in 1977, he stopped drinking and he turned his life around, he wrote the â€Å"Cathedral† it is said to be the most important short story he wrote. He met his second disease; cancer. Which took his life in 1988? This interview helps me to understand the direct relationship between the story and the writer’s experience. He uses a great degree of experience, mix with imagination. His character comes alive with every word and I could relate to the events and the peopl e in his stories. At his second chance at life, his stories were often called a â€Å"slice of life.† It reveals a glimpse of the man his actual experience and not his imagination. â€Å"What We Talk When We Talk About Love† the story focus on two couples who thinks that they know the meaning of love, but actually they are confused about the true meaning of love. The story is based on the couples drinking gin and the whole conversation makes the character seems human. The more they drunk the more they seems not understand the meaning of love. Love may not have been defined but they understood that it would always be elusive. Carver’s stories are genuine,; it features a good beginning, middle and a conclusion that puts everyone who read the story in to a reality mode. With his former writing Carver could not move beyond the hopelessness of alcoholism. He used alcohol as a means to escape reality and live within his self where there are no problems that need his attention and this shows, in â€Å"Cathedral† the story was written about alcoholism and alienation to a sorrowful self-awareness to become a  reality of hope. â€Å"Cathedral† was about his second chance at life and it contributes to his great success. (Messer, 2012) I believe that Raymond Carver is realism and connected to the people on all levels. When Carver wrote about relationships, the characters connected with his readers. I believed its more than just entertainment, to me it was a blasted of reality. The importance of giving people another chance to improve their lives, is one of the themes that the readers can pick up when looking at his literary work of Raymond Carver. He brought full circle not a narrate of alcoholism and alienation but sobriety and hoped, but the possibility for the a second chance. The â€Å"Cathedral† represents the artistic power and multifaceted undertaking as his most successful and realistic collection of short stories. I believe that the Cathedral† showed his willingness to compromise and get help, a turning point in his life â€Å"second chance†

Monday, July 29, 2019

Should Women be Allowed in Combat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Should Women be Allowed in Combat - Essay Example First thing to consider is that there is around 13% of the military population is comprised by women (Willens 1996). Before women reached this population inside the military, there have been limitations on their integration to the military from 32000 which is very minimal (Willens 1996). Although certain situations like the World War II and other conflicts that have occurred between countries provided certain conditions that allowed several numbers of women in the military (Willens 1996). Women have provided significant contributions in the logistical matters, medical operations and the like in the military operations (Jelinek 2011). This contribution of women in the military is clear. This can be considered a feminist move in this case and this is a manifestation for women trying to get equality and representation in the military field wherein gender politics is a very intriguing matter (Butler 1990, p. 1). This act of women to be involved in the military is a major move that challe nges the patriarchal conventions that have existed in the society since the establishment of societies and having undergone development as seen in the world nowadays (Rosenbluth 2008, p. 2). ... dered in its fullest scope, then the case of inclusion of gays and lesbian is a selective equality and not a full consideration of ensuring equality in its fullest scope. Also, the fact that women are not included in the military highlights the persistence of military to live out the traditional norms that surround gender. (Rosenbluth 2008, p. 4).This is the very condition even if feminist movements have demanded that women should be integrated in the military. Paradoxically, the condition of democracy conforming to equality becomes an illusion in the way women are allowed only into certain condition inside the military. The problem here is that women, despite of the certain efforts of the government to recognize their efforts in the military like the Women’s Armed Integration Service Act, is not fully recognize according to the gender neutral premises in military selection and promotion (Willens 1996). Even if the dominance of the democratic political thought that recognizes equality in its fullest scope, lawmakers who are carefully assessing on the matter, employs a very different standard that limits the presence of women in the military. One thing is that women’s welfare be prioritized (Jelenik 2011). Their safety is being considered since even if women are allowed to be in military, they are not allowed to engage the conflict on the front line (Jelenik 2011). At the same time, there is already a consideration towards women of being war prisoners wherein the trauma that might go through will be excruciating on their part, making them dysfunctional (Willens 1996). Also, the presence of women in the military is already a good notion to consider since their integration has been achieved (Jelenik 2011). There are already existing mechanisms like the military

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Brown vs. Board of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Brown vs. Board of Education - Essay Example Chief Justice Warren ruled that segregation in the public education system denies children the equal protection of the law. Separation of schoolchildren of the same age because of race creates the feeling of inferiority. The case brought the spirit of the 14th amendment into practice. Â  According to Pennsylvania and Rhode Island statutes, the state provides state aid to a church-related elementary. There are groups of individual taxpayers and religious organizations that went to court to challenge the constitutionality of the programs. They felt that the program only helped the parochial schools. It is for this reason that it violates the establishment clause. Â  The central issue of the case was whether the state can create systems that provide financial assistance to non-public institutions directly. The suit challenged the system if it can financially support the schools directly or they have to reimburse the cost of textbooks. Â  The court held that with a unanimous decision that the systems do not obey the establishment clause. The court did an analysis of the factors that verify the constitutionality of the programs. The court tested whether the legislature passed was for a secular legislative idea. The result was that the tribunal did not find evidence that the aim of the programs was to advance religion. Chief Warren Burger found that the statute must have a secular legislative purpose. In addition to, the formation of the law should not inhibit religion. Â  John Tinker, his sister Mary Beth, and a friend in 1965 went home from school for wearing black armbands in protest of Vietnam. The institution has laid policies allowing students to wear numerous political symbols. Contrarily the school had not permitted the students to put on armbands in protest of the Vietnam War.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Propaganda of Commodities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Propaganda of Commodities - Assignment Example The modern manufacturing processes for mass production of commodities and the necessity to create ever-increasing demands need to function tandem. The article throws light on the necessity to create a solid demand for the avalanche of new products that engulf the market and prepare the mind of the consumer to accept them, whether his requirement for such goods is genuine or not. As a consumer, I take this article as a warning to keep check on my expenditure. I have seen many advertisements that appeal to my emotions and a want is created, which is not there before the contents of the advertisements begin to cast influence. Lasch provides the specific warning to the gullible consumer and he writes, â€Å"The American economy having reached the point where its technology was capable of satisfying basic material needs, now relied on the creation of new consumer demands—on convincing people to buy goods for which they are unaware of any need until the â€Å"need† is forcibly brought to their attention by the mass media.†(431) So I make it a point to ask a question to myself whenever I visit the super markets, whether I need this product? Whether it will contribute to the happiness and welfare of my family? The famous author Bernard Shaw is asked once, why he visits the market regularly but never buys anything. He replies that his purpose is to verify how many new products have arrived that he doesn’t

Friday, July 26, 2019

South Africa Apartheid History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

South Africa Apartheid History - Essay Example Apartheid (1948-1994) cannot be considered as ‘the best solution’ for the country because it violated human rights and freedoms of black populations and caused separation between white minority and black majority. Primarily, apartheid was one of the main forms of racial discrimination, separation of white minority and black majority. Social divisions in this colonial society increasingly took on a rigid racial character1. Between 1950s – 1970s white power was used to forge one of the most extreme forms of racial discrimination in the twentieth-century world. For instance, whereas the strength and size of the settler population in the United States or Australia meant that race relations were for many years relegated to the peripheries of national historiography, race was an abiding concern even in the most inward-looking settler histories of South Africa2. Apartheid cannot be the best solution for South African because this term coincides with the concepts of racism, segregation and oppression of black population. Segregation in South Africa encompassed many different social relationships. It is often discussed as a series of legislative Acts which removed and restricted the rights of ‘non-whites’ in every possible sphere. Segregation was more than a set of restrictive legislation: it refers as well to a composite ideology and set of practices seeking to legitimize social difference and economic inequality in every aspect of life3. For instance, "Coloured" was the official apartheid designation for persons of mixed raceâ€Å"4. Many of the spatial and social elements of segregation, such as the division of churches on the basis of color, were initially governed by convention rather than law. It is important to mention the exclusion of blacks from skilled work, and especially from the exercise of supervisory functions ove r whites, was determined by custom as well as legislative

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Pollution of environment during, petroleum and gas synthesis Essay

Pollution of environment during, petroleum and gas synthesis - Essay Example According to Obadina (2007), oil production in Canada rose from 1.8 million barrels to 3.1 million barrels per day between 1984 and 2003. Appreciating the widespread global use of petroleum and gas products, this paper seeks to outline the environmental pollution resulting from the synthesis of petroleum and gas, giving recommendations on prevention approaches. Environmental pollution would be appreciated as the process of man introducing energy or substances into the environment that could cause hazards to the health of human beings, harm ecological systems and living resources and interfere with or damage the legitimate use of the environment (Walker et al. 2006). The petroleum industry encompasses various activities in exploration, production and transportation of about 3.5 billion tons and 2.5 giga m3 of crude oil and natural gas respectively and other derivatives around the world each year (Walker et al. 2006). After the exploration process identifies a commercially viable reser ve, the extraction of oil and gas would be carried out through drilling by use of special technologies (Vidal 2012). The extracted hydrocarbon product would then be separated into gas and liquids and dehydrated to get rid of excess water. This would then be split into various petroleum and gas products. ... The synthesis process involves exploration and production of the products of natural gas and crude oil. It encompasses the exploration and preparation of well sites, drilling, production of crude oil and gas and on-site processing. The synthesis of petroleum and natural gas products as observed by Kaiser and Pulsipher (2007) starts with the bringing to above the ground crude oil and natural gas which would in turn be processed to various products for distribution to consumers. In the process, the industry contributes to air, water and soil pollution with the components of the resources being processed and the subsequent by-products and products, the latter being the key pollutants. Natural gas would mainly contain methane with water and carbon dioxide as impurities. Crude oils vary widely in viscosity and colour but studies by Kaiser and Pulsipher (2007) indicate 79.5% to 87.3%, 10.4% to 14.8%, 0 to 8%, 0 to 2%, 0 to 0.1% and 0 to 0.005% carbon, hydrogen , sulphur, oxygen, nitrogen a nd metals composition respectively. The main constituents are hydrocarbons of varied types and molecular masses with between 1 and 60 carbon atoms. The synthesis of gas involves processing natural gas by dewatering and removing its acid components such as hydrogen sulphide followed by eventual removal of carbon dioxide. Despite taking appropriate precautions against environmental pollution, Obadina (2007) appreciates that accidents occur periodically in the course of producing petroleum and gas. Air pollution in the process of petroleum and gas synthesis occurs through combustion emissions, fugitive emissions, process emissions, secondary emissions and from handling and storage of petroleum liquids

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Law for Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Law for Business - Essay Example Either the acceptance of an offer may be a statement of agreement, or, if the offer invites acceptance in this way, a performance of an act requested in the terms of the offer. It is important to note that acceptance is the final and unqualified acceptance and it must be according to the types and the requirements of the offer hence acceptance must exactly match the offer. Other forms of acceptance of an offer may be spoken, written, by action and an acceptance is never acceptance when there is silence and assumption. For example, if one tells a neighbor kid that if the kid mows the offeror’s lawn, the offeror will pay $50.00, and the kid does actually mow the lawn. The act of mowing constitutes the manifestation of the kid’s assent hence constituting an acceptance given the offer presented and the terms upon which it is presented. For a contract based on offer and acceptance to be binding and enforceable by law, the terms must be capable of determination in the same co urts of law in a way that it is clear that the parties assent was given to the same terms of agreement. The terms must be in the position of being able to manifest themselves or be determined determined objectively. They may be written, or sometimes oral, although some kinds of contracts require writing as evidence of the agreement to be enforced in the courts of law. What is an offer? In an offer the offerer decides to make an offer and goes further vto communicate the offer. The offeree is then left with the responsibility of either accepting or rejecting the offer of which they have to communicate the acceptance in the case they decide to accept the offer with the terms around it Fisher v Bell [1961] 1 QB 394. The offerer then decides to receive the acceptance and the contract remains binding. An offer therefore can be defined as definite promise to be bound upon some specific terms, making it be a proposition by one party to another party on fixed terms that are fixed or in a po sition of being fixed. This is with the intention that it will be binding when accepted by the offeree in either of the forms prescribed for acceptance. In fact, a definite offer does not need to be made to a specific person, this is because it can be made to a particular class of persons or the world in general and it would remain binding if all the requirements were adhered. An  offer  is actually an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as the person to whom it is addressed, the â€Å"offeree† [G.H. Tretel, The Law of Contract, 10th edn, p.8], accepts it. The â€Å"expression† referred to in the definition of an offer may take different forms, such as a letter, newspaper, fax, email and even conduct, as long as it communicates the basis on which the offeror is prepared to contract. The â€Å"intention† referred to in the definition is objectively judged and only determinable by courts. The English case of Smith v. Hughes (1871) LR 6 QB 597 emphasizes that the important thing is not the party’s real intentions but; how a reasonable person would view the situation making. This makes an offer not to be so specific to an individual. This is mainly due to common sense as each party would not wish to breach his side of the contract, if it would make him or her culpable to damages, it would especially be contrary to the principle of certainty and clarity in

Events studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Events studies - Essay Example Yet, it is clear that the use of social media in the events industry results to immense benefits in advertising and efficient communication to the target customers. This research paper gives a detailed analysis of the use of social media in the events industry by looking into various studies that have been conducted across the globe. A recent study that was done by the Sheraton Hotels and Resorts revealed that most people consider social media to be an imperative aspect in their lives that they cannot do without. The same survey found an interesting fact that people are never truthful on what the post on various social media sited. This shows that there a clear line between members of the public and event companies who rely on social media to get honest feedback from their customers (Safko, 2010:15). Besides the simulated reality of social media, events bring individuals together. This is the most important duty that is performed by events professionals. The events industry is highly mobile and social and perfectly suited for various for the transformation that has taken place since the inception of Web 2. 0. Additionally, the second generation social media tools have resulted to the establishment of a better platform for promoting, communicating, collaborating and planning events. It is important to note that Web 2.0 paved the way for the social media applications that are present in the current times (Bruns, 2010:310). In spite of the fact that impact of the use of social media tools has not been fully understood, most event companies use the various social media tools. It is clear that the use of social media tools has increased in the current times. Various social media tools are used for online ticket as well as advertising. Findings from an online survey that was conducted on 1000 event organisers and promoters from various parts of the world including South America, Austria, North America, Switzerland and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Generalization, Miniaturization and the case of Italo Calvino Essay

Generalization, Miniaturization and the case of Italo Calvino - Essay Example With the nexus of focus on Valdrada concentric upon the â€Å"eyes†, Calvino goes to great lengths to illustrate just what Marco Polo â€Å"saw† within the place and how he understood/interpreted this. Whereas Marco Polo was of a relatively high social class and his level of education was above that of the average individual during Renaissance Italy, Calvino illustrates that he was not inclined to attempt to use the scientific method; instead, Polo relates complex and instrinsicly nuanced facets of Valdrada in a matter of fact way. This matter of fact detail and the pedagogical nature in which he discusses these aspects lends the reader to engage with these facets of Valdrada as nothing short of fact. Yet, by comparing the quote of Susan Stewart, provided in the introduction, the reader is cautioned as to the ramifications of not objectively considering what details might be overlooked within such a cursory approach. The visual representation that is reflected within Calvino’s section on Valdrada denotes, among many other things, the following: â€Å"The ancients built Valdrada on the shores of a lake, with houses all verandas one above the other, and high streets whose railed parapets look out over the water. Thus the traveler, arriving, sees two cities: one erect above the lake, and the other reflected, upside down† (Calvino 123). Within this literary statement of fact, the reader is represented with a picturesque landscape that can easily be miniaturized to reflect a greater understanding for the region and people in question.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Lobbying strategies used by financial services Essay Example for Free

Lobbying strategies used by financial services Essay General knowledge about patenting and the patent reform legislation. A patent can be said to be a se of exclusive rights given to an inventor or his assignee for a given period in exchange for the invention details. However in countries like us extras qualification utility patents is used to differentiate them from other types of patents, this should not be confused with utility models grants by other countries. ( of these particular patents for invention includes biological patents, business method patents, chemical patents and software patents. In some other countries other types of intellectual property rights (IPR) are called patents while industrial design rights are referred to as design patents which protect the physical designs of objects which are not of great utility. As such therefore, patent should not be mistaken for a right to practice or use the inventor, it(patent) provides the authority to prevent other people from making, using, selling or offering for sale or importing the patented invention for as long as the term of the patent remains, which in most cases is usually 20years. In real sense a patent is a limited property right that the government leases to inventors in exchange of their (inventors) disclosure of the details leading to their invention. Patent therefore, like any other property rights can be leased, mortgaged, assigned, licensed, given away or even transfered.As briefly stated above the rights governing a patent varies from country to country. For instance in Australia, other people are allowed to build on top of already patented invention. This is possible by making use of exceptions from infringement procedures e.g. allowances for academic research (http. /paustralia- index .sch.html). While on the other hand in US things are very different on patent rights governing research, whereby even developing of an existing invention amounts to infringement. The mystery of patents is exhibited when one wants to make an improvement of an already patented invention. This can only be done legally by seeking permission from the patent holder, assuming that the patent is still in force When the new improvement is made the owner of it can bar the original patent owner from using the improvement and hence denying him of the right to exploit the patent. However some countries require that the invention be exploited in the jurisdiction it covers. Again the penalties of not working an invention vary from country to country but the common penalties ranges from revocation of the patent rights to awarding of a license to any party in a position to exploit the invention. The patentee can seek legal redress and challenge the revocation or the issuance of the license. But there exists a big hurdle in offering of tangible evidence that, the requirement of the public have really been met by the working the invention. Generally patents can only be put in force through law suits (e.g. in US, patent infringements are handled in the US federal courts) in other countries like France and Australia criminal penalties for patent infringements are given. In case of an infringement the patent owner will demand to be compensated financially for past infringement and then also seek to bar the defendant (infringer)from engaging in any further acts of infringement. However it is not always easy for the patent owner to prove that infringement really took place. As such, he is required to establish that the accused practiced all that the patent was entitled to; again, the issue of independent jurisdictions patent rights tradition also arises. The above statements about the powers of a patent owner are enough evidence to show that there is a great limitation on the patent owner because the accused has a right to challenge the validity of a patent .It is common for civil courts hearing patent cases to declare patents invalid. The basis on which a patent can be declared invalid are stated on the patent agreement, and again this varies from one jurisdiction to another. However some countries like UK have laws discoursing infringers from challenging the validity of patents. In the UK this discouraged through the certificate of contested validity. Nevertheless not all patent rights disputes are settled through litigatation. Majority of these disputes are settled through private patent licensing agreements. These agreement are simply practical, effective contracts whereby the patent owner (also know as licensor) voluntarily decides not to sue an infringer in return of some payment .Research shows that this is common in companies which deals with complex products. These companies also issue patented licenses to other business rivals under what is known as cross licensing agreements. This in turn facilities the cross accessing of each other inventions (special problems in patent cases 66.FRD 529,197 by Howard T Markey) \ As seen above different jurisdictions have different traditions of approaching patenting, but it should be noted that in many nations both single entities (natural persons) and corporate entities can apply for a patent. On issuance of this patent then the entity (ies) becomes the owners of the patents. However, it is mandatory that the inventor (s) be named so that the public can get to know how the owner(s) of the patent acquired the rights. For example in US only the inventor(s) (natural person) can apply for a patent, in cases of multi inventors then each inventor is given a patent which s very independent from those given to other co- inventors . It is a normal practice also in US for inventors to assign their ownership rights to a corporate body, this is done in cases of multi-inventors so that only one single entity has the rights to grant a license. Another reason is to increase the liquidity of the patent as property, so that inventors can be in a position to sell them to a third party, who in turn owns the patent as though they were the real investors. From the above detailed information about the function ability of patents and patent rights it is evident that patents and patent rights need to be protected by relevant laws so that neither party i.e. patent owners, authorities, and infringers is vulnerable to mistreatment. Therefore nations and also internal communities have come up with laws that govern the enforcement of patents. Patents as such therefore, are governed by laws at a national level and at an international level through signing of treaties. It can be said that patents are therefore not national but territorial in nature. It is traditional that every nation forms a [patent office which carries out patenting responsibilities in regards of the laws of the country. However cases of infringements are left to be catered by national courts. On an international scale it is the work of the world Trade organization (WTO) to harmonize these patent laws. Agreement have been reached successfully in aligning these patent laws .Adherence to these agreements is a mandatory requirement for admission to the WTO, a factor leading to mass compliance by many nations .Even the developing countries are not left back although they have been known to enforce national laws protecting their local industries. A paramount international meting held in Paris relating to patent systems culminated in the signing of the above agreement. Although the agreement does not have a consequential legal effect in national jurisdictions its principles are largely inculcated in many current patent systems. For instance one such principle is the right to claim priority which allows an application filled in a member state of the Paris meeting to be valid for one year and also to be filled in any other member state and still receive its original filling date. This is a great achievement since patent ownership is entirely date oriented. Again the powers and dynamics of patents vary from sate to another. In US for example, the lands prime law (constitution), gives the congress the mandate to make laws, to promote, and uphold the progress of Science and useful Arts. These laws once passed, are then enshrined in Title 35 of the United States Code. The United States patent and trademark office (USPTO) was created under the above laws. (US patent activity, 1790 to present – http://www. Upstaged/web/ offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/h-counts-html). In UR, patent laws are contained in the patents Act 1977 (amended). On international perspective, as mentioned above there exists international freely procedures e.g. procedures under European patent convention (EPC) which works under European patent organization (EPO) and patent cooperation Treaty (PCT) among many others. Similar treaties exist in African content countries. For a natural person or a corporate entity to be awarded a patent then an application requesting the same has to be filled at the relevant patent office. This application contains such information like how to make and put the invention into use and also the utility of the invention. Also contained in the application form is claims which explain more about the invention and the extend of patent rights in regards to applicants wishes. The above details together with a written description with drawings are part of the patent specification. In some nations like US, the applicant is also required to include the most effective way to make and practice the invention. The claim part acts as a disclosure to the public on the limits to which the patentee has over the invention. In other words a claim shows what the patent covers and what does not cover. It should be noted also that a single patent can have numerous claims, each regarded as an independent invention. Once the above requirements have been provided it is now the duty of the patent office to counter check whether the application is in order with the relevant legal provisions in relation to the particular specie of patents. Once it is approved the patent takes effect from the date issued and it is subject to yearly renewals so as to remain in force in relation to (Egbert vs. Lippmenn, 104 U.S. 333 (1881) â€Å"the corset case†) The US supreme court passed a decision that any inventor who has not applied for a patent for more than eleven years of using the invention, cannot be given one. Hence there is a need to seek for a patent once an invention has been made (http://www. Wolf Greenfield. Com/media/news. 9.pdf) In a summary of the above information about patent system four main aspects have clearly been discussed about, they include; i. Inventing: Through intensive research and consulting Scientists and artists are able to come up with inventions. The desire to dig more and come up with inventions is catalyzed by the existence of patent rights. Which comes with much money as a result of selling patent licenses ii. Disclosing the invention made: As per the meaning of patent, the disclosure of invention is for a common good. This is so because there are projections as to the rights of invention and hence inventors feel free to disclose their invention. This disclosure facilitates for exploitation of patent right when the current one expire or even improvements are made. iii. To invest in producing, experimenting, and marketing of the invention. This is done out the faith that infrequent cases are well protected against. iv. Designing and improving of earlier patents: This can only be possible is details of already existing patents are disclosed to the public. All the above stuff concerning modern patent system allows for infant inventors to gain exclusive rights and therefore becoming licensors. They therefore gain financially and in the long run promoting more innovations. Due to loopholes the legal systems governing patents cases of double awarding of patents have been common. (According to R.Buck minster Fuller 1938). Due to the increasing number of inventions the patent filling systems are becoming more complex day and day and hence there is a likehood of awarding a patent to an invention already patented before. However with the introduction of reliable computing system this has been kept at bay. According to Michael Heller, a law professor and Rebecca Sue Eisenberg in a 1998 in their 1998 science article, intellectual property Rights (IPR) have become so much fragmented that signing them will require an agreement with all the owners of fragments. Another big hurdle in patents is that they discourage innovations especially with corporate entities who may own many patents and enter into litigations incases of infringement although they are doing absolutely nothing to develop the invention. Other numerous problems also exist and as a result critisms have been common opposing the patents system and proposing for their abolition altogether. Lastly, it will be fair to put forth some historical information regarding the existence of patents. Reliable evidence suggests that the first stints of patents can be traced to ancient Greek cities whereby any one who came up with a new recipe was allowed to make the food for one year. On the other hand, modern patents can be traced to the republic of Venice whereby new inventions were publicly communicated to prevent undue infringement. Other countries followed suit e.g. U.K, US and therefore the idea of patents spread through other parts of the World. The above detailed account about patents gives a reader of this paper a sound basis to now tackle the issue of financial services industry, lobbying strategies in the addressing of the patent reform bill (legislation) before the 110th congress. As already explained above the patents system in united states are under the body known as United States patent and Trade mark organization (USPTO).This body is therefore incharge of issuance of patents to inventors. According to a 2004 report by National Agency of a sciences and another report of 2003 report by Federal Trade Commissioner a bill (patent Reform Act 2005) was proposed. The main aim of this bill was to try and bring a theme of modernity in the USA patent system. Although it was not until 2007 when this bill was introduced to the bicameral US parliament (Senate and House of representatives). This bill now known as â€Å"The patent Reform Act of 2007† was introduced as a proposal in the 110th US congress for discussion and eventual change of the United States Patent Laws. The bills main objective was to bring the American patent laws to the same level with other countries patent laws. (According to a patent system for the 21st century, by Stephen. A. Merrill Richard L. Levin and mark B. Myers, 2004- (http://www ton.nap.eds/catalog//76.html) The main changes brought by this legislation were I). Converting US from a first- to- invent system to a first- inventor- to -file system. This bill will bring US to conformity with other countries of world. This system will also reduce legal costs, simplify the patent process, improve fairness and also facilitate a movement towards harmonized international patent system. It is also agreed that this change will reduce the complexity associated with the current USPTO interference proceedings. This will therefore make inventors to focus more on inventing. Since this change would make US to be in harmony with other countries it will help US inventors to pursue their innovative dreams in more consisted manner. On the hand, critics have agreed that this system of first to file will encourage unnecessary USPTO with unharmonized disclosure information; therefore quality of patents is compromised. Again the small scale inventors will be at a disadvantage when competing with large co operations in the race to the pattern office. The next major change was apportionment of damages. The bill will seek to bring sanity in the award of damages due from infringements of patents. The bill allows a court of law to ensure that the damages are paid according to the prevailing economic conditions pertaining to the patented invention. This was seen a measure to cut excessive royalty payment infringed patented. Large technological companies and financial services industries supported this change because they lie on features which are in most cases in patented. Critics of this system argued that, the congress should not attempt to prioritize the factors that a court may apply when determining reasonable damage rights. This system may also undermine the existing licenses and therefore leads to the rise of litigation. Those critics included USPTO, the biotechnology among many others. Other charges embedded in the bill included; Allowing a third party assignee to file a patent application, Revising procedures for patent interference disputes; Allowing financial institutions to infringe patents on the check collection system, Allowing a person who is not the patent owner to file a petition with the board cancel a patent as invalid among many other changes. These changes sought to facilitate a general overhaul of the US patent system. Which according to the coalition for 21st century patent Return was in dire need for periodic examination and foundational changes ( This reform bill on patents was introduced to the House of Representatives by a democrat, MR. Howard Berman and in the senate by another Democrat, MR. Patrick Leahy. It was passed in the House of Representatives but put under more scrutiny pending voting in the senate following its introduction in the 110th United States Congress. The bill has been faced with positive and negative critisms from different organizations. Those organizations lobbying for its subsequent adoption argue that, the bill is necessary to bringing in the much needed changes and consequently reduce the number of soaring ills which are killing innovation. Some of these organizations include coalition for patent fairness, Business software alliance intellectual property owners association and lastly American institute of certified public accounts. Those according to them are weakening the rights of patent owners innovations included the following national small business organization, innovatiove alliance, Biotechnology industry organization among others (http://www.napp, org/resources/nap opp to 2007 senate Bill. pdf) According to the US department of commerce the only part which need some revision is section 4 which they argue may harm the nation’s intellectual property system. The bill also attracted critisms from international community with a Chinese expert calling the bill hypocritical; since it is weakening the rights of patent owners in US when US has been urging the Chinese government to strengthen the rights of their patent owners. An observation also comes from India pharmaceutical Alliance who argued the bills provision allows for the validity of a US patent to be challenged immediately after issuance. They also predict that the bill may favour Indian manufacturers since it reduces legal costs and risks. ( show/mst 22256,pr+page – 1.cms1) The lobbying strategies The first question one should ask himself when tackling this debate is very simple, how is the proposed patent reform bill going to affect the performance of the financial institutions? Secondly has the current patent laws been in â€Å"favor† of the financial institutions? With these two questions in mind then it is very easy to the financial institutions stand in respect to these reforms. Consequently, therefore, the lobbying strategies they employ will be directly related to these effects. This issue of patent reforms may seem to a nonprofessional to be of no consequential impact and therefore does not deserve much thought but to the business community things are very different. The above detailed account of the pros and cons of the patent reform bill, it is very clear that there exists a tug-of war between some of the corporate US citizens. On one side of the war are much dreaded patent trolls or better known as patent sharks-small firms or individuals who wit fully trap large manufacturers in patent infringement suits in order to benefit from damage awards. On the other side of this war are financial institutions, which, includes banks and insurance firms who have joined hands with large tech-companies. It is understood that these two sectors have been faced with regular lawsuits coming from the much-dreaded patent sharks. At the center of the dispute is the current Americas patent system that is suffering from lack of a major policy overhaul for along period of time and struggling to stay in level with innovation in thev21st century. Therefore, financial institutions have always found themselves in a hot spot under the current patent laws. It is in this light that any reforms that seeks to address their plight is seen as a relieve to them. The first strategy therefore employed by these financial institutions was the formation of a bargaining platform in the form of â€Å"the coalition of patent fairness†. This group lobbied the senate to help curb the weak patents and bourgeois lawsuits from patent sharks. The group also lobbied against a ruling made by the federal appeals court that opened doors for patents on business methods, including different types of banking, investments and insurance techniques. It is through this lobbying that, the senate judiciary committee included a provision that grants banks immunity against lawsuits from patent holders like Texas Company Data Treasury, which holds patent on a method of digitally scanning, sending and storing checks. Another strategy used by financial firms is by applying for patents. These patents unlike those of other industries are not primarily for financial gains but for defensive purposes against the escalating number of patent infringement cases from the much-dreaded patent sharks. Financial institutions in US are also exploiting the fact that US is the only nation in the world to have been left back using the first-to-invent system of patenting to lobby the international organizations (WTO).this seems to have borne fruits because the USPTO seems to have yielded to the pressure and therefore agreed to bring some changes. This has worked through the harmonization of the US patenting system with the rest of the world. After the House of Representatives passed its version of the bill, many AUTM members frantically contacted their congressional members a move that enabled many parts of the bill to be amended. However the senate bill remained to be harmonized. Following great concern from the university community and other bodies, a number of changes were made. One lobbying strategy, which financial services institution used was voicing their concerns through the AUTM, an organization of many universities and other bodies that induces closeness to industries. It should be noted that the AUTM and the university community were not in anyway against the improvement of US patent system. Their main concern was to see that before the bill was finally voted for in the senate, the contentious parts should be first fine-tuned. As a show of great support to the improvement of the US patent system, the university group therefore put fourth the following suggestions (i) a one-year grace period for first inventor and strong inventor oath should be included. ii)Removal of the previous user rights expansion in favour of study of issue university patent can be in a risk of expanding prior user rights iii) Venue reform provision that exempt universities and technology transfer foundations that offer patent services to universities. The bill as it were had many provisions that were of great concern to US universities chiefly because it undermined the ability of the universities to transfer technology to local industries. This was due to the making of patents difficult to protect decreasing the amount of damages patent holder can get from an infringer and opening new avenues for infringers to put to task the validity of issued patents. This change of USPTO rules and the issue of Supreme Court in mind made it more burdensome, and expensive to get, maintain and even enforce patents. It also poses difficulties for Universities when starting companies, which attract venture funding. Other areas, which concerned Universities and financial institutions were, are as follows:- i. A compulsory search report and analyses, which reflect heavily on the financial aspects of Universities on technology, transfer offices. ii. Absence of meaningful inadequate contact reform iii. An open-ended, post-grant administrative review of patent quality. iv. Venue reform policy that forces patentee to file suits in the infringer home district court and v. Apportionment of damages in patent infringement suits. Another strategic lobbying device at the disposal of financial institutions and other concerned organizations was through approaching federal relations officer near them. These federal relations officers are discharged with the main duty of acting as the intermediaries between the people and senate (legislators). Due to the bill, having so many controversial sections, there was an urgent need for the stakeholders to harmonize their divergent views and come up with a consensus. This was achieved through the congressional research service (CRS) an arm of United State Congress that provides policy and legal advices to committees and members of both the house and the Senate regardless of party affiliations. The CRS committee collects views from the public and then they act accordingly. Again, this CRS also carries out civic education concerning the interpretation of bills and their effect to the lives of the common person. Holding of workshops and seminars with the other stakeholders was another worthwhile strategy used to help bring every concerned party on board so that when the legislation is adopted no one would feel shortchanged. Workshops are known to bring warring parties together on a mutual agreement. These workshops therefore lobbied the opposing bodies into ceding some of their unrealistic demands. Financial services institutions through their attorneys lobbied the senate judiciary committee into making provisions that gave them more power in the using of technologies made by other inventors. These technologies are necessary in the improvement of banking services offered to customers. The bill therefore needed to be lobbied and subsequently harmonized. Conclusion The AUTM through their technology transfer managers evaluated impact of the long legislation on its general operations and therefore come up with a strategy, educate the university management and also other interested and the work with the federal relations officer, who in turn contacts the lawmakers. This technology transfer managers advice the legislators on the need to go the dialogue way so that at end of it all no constituency feels as being shortchanged by the passing of the patent reform legislation. In general, the current state of the bill would weaken the entire American patent system by making patented under to protect. The damages entitled to a patent owner after an infringement has been reduced adding salt to the wound. New avenues for infringers to challenge an already issued patent have also been opened. Although the bill continues to be harmonized bit by bit, the university technology transfer system still view some areas as not fully catered for. The legislation also provides for a patent trial and appeal bond, which is charged with the responsibilities of reviewing decisions of examiners upon applications and reexamination proceedings. Financial services institution therefore can utilize this avenue in addressing and subsequent challenging of the patent reforms legislations. This board comes as an indicator on how this reform legislation has deliberately been drafted and therefore only needs to be harmonized on the small areas. However, it is fair to say that America need this bill to at least bring some uniformity with rest of the world because it has been the only country adopting the first-invent system of patenting. Two, according to Senator Leahy, America needs an efficient and streamlined patent system if it is to remain in the forefront of the world economy. This patent will bring quality and at the same time discourage counter productive litigations. Senator Berman on his side argued that, there should be no doubt, as to whether the US system of patenting produces high quality patents, and therefore changing the existing patenting practices through the congress is the only way out. The bill also, should not be viewed with suspicion since it was founded and introduced in the two houses on a bipartisan basis. It is also the bedrock of American innovation, and therefore there is great need to protect innovation and creativity, according to Senator Hatch. Financial services industry being one of the major economic players of the United State of America, needs also to standup on its own and voice out their grievances. In addition, financial services institutions like banks and insurance companies have a duty to challenge the patent reforms legislation because they have started to seek protection from infringement lawsuits from patent sharks. This was facilitated through the introduction of financial patents. References; More about patent reforms, available at, 1), accessed on april30 2008 Effects of patent reforms, available at, 2) show/mst 22256,pr+page – 1.cms1) , accessed on april30 2008 Patent reforms for 21st cen. available at, 3) http://www ton.nap.eds/catalog//76.html) accessed on april30 2008 US patent and trademark office, available at, 4) http://www. Upstaged/web/ offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/h-counts-html accessed on april30 2008 Regulations governing patent application, available at, 5) http://www. Wolf Greenfield. Com/media/news. 9.pdf) accessed on april30 2008 More about patenting, available at, 6) accessed on april30 2008 Patenting and innovations, available at, 7) Heller, M.A., Eisenberg, R.S. (1998). Can Patents Deter Innovation? The Ant commons in Biomedical Research. Science. Different organizations response towards the patent reform bill, available at; 8), accessed on april30 2008

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis of Indias Advertising Industry

Analysis of Indias Advertising Industry Indian Advertising Industry: An  Introduction Introduction The Indian advertising industry has evolved from being a small-scaled business to a full-fledged industry. The advertising industry is projected to be the second fastest growing advertising market in Asia after China. It is estimated that by 2018, the share of ad spend in Indias Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be around 0.45 per cent. The Indian government has given tremendous support to the advertising and marketing industry. Advertising expenditure is likely to increase in the financial sector, driven by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) policies which could result in a more favourable business environment. Also, proposed licences for new banks and better market sentiments render the advertising and marketing industry in India a fertile space. Market  size Indias Advertising industry is expected to grow at a rate of 16.8 per cent year-on-year to Rs 51,365 crore (US$ 7.61 billion) in 2016, buoyed by positive industry sentiment and a strong GDP growth of 7 per cent and above. Indias digital advertising market has grown at a fast pace of 33 per cent annually between 2010 and 2015, while spending as a percentageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ °of total advertising increased to 13 per cent or nearly US$ 1 billion in 2015. Print contributes a significant portion to the total advertising revenue, accounting for almost 41.2 per cent, whereas TV contributes 38.2 per cent, and digital contributes 11 per cent of the total revenue. Outdoor, Radio and Cinema make up the balance 10%. Of the current Rs 2,750 crore (US$ 407.66 million) digital advertisement market, search and display contribute the most search advertisements constitute 38 per cent of total advertisement spends followed by display advertisement at 29 per cent, as per the study. The Internets share in total advertising revenue is anticipated to grow twofold from eight per cent in 2013 to 16 per cent in 2018. Online advertising, which was estimated at Rs 2,900 crore (US$ 429.9 million) in 2013, could jump threefold to Rs 10,000 crore (US$ 1.48 billion) in five years, increasing at a compound annual rate of 28 per cent Advertising agencies in the country too have taken a leap. They have come a long way from being small and medium sized industries to becoming well known brands in the business. Mudra,OgilvyandMathew(OM),McCannEricsonn,Rediffussion,LeoBurnettare some of the top agencies of the country. Indian economy is on a boom and the market is on a continuous trail of expansion. With the market gaining grounds Indian advertising has every reason to celebrate. Businesses are looking up to advertising as a tool to cash in on lucrative business opportunities. Growth in business has lead to a consecutive boom in the advertising industry as well. The Indian advertising today handles both national and international projects. This is primarily because of the reason that the industry offers a host of functions to its clients that include everything from start to finish that include client servicing, media planning, media buying, creative conceptualization, pre and post campaign analysis, market research, marketing, branding, and public relation services. Keeping in mind the current pace at which the Indian advertising industry is moving the industry is expected to witness a major boom in the times ahead. If the experts are to be believed then the industry in the coming times will form a major contribution to the GDP. With al this there is definitely no looking back for the Indian advertising industry that is all set to win accolades from the world over. Advertisement  Spending  Sector  Wise Advertisement  Spending  Sector  Wise Introduction The issue of TV advertising and children has always been quite controversial. In past hundreds of studies have been conducted on this topic. Some of these studies are based on the observation of children in experimental situations. By their use of a non-verbal research method, these studies have the advantage of avoiding misrepresentation caused by some childrens verbal skills whenresponding to verbal tests. The disadvantage of this type of experimental research,however, is that the real-life validity of the results is sometimes quite low. Similarly, research data based on the actual questioning of children should be treated with caution, since younger children especially misunderstand the questions, lack the verbal techniques to provide an adequate answer, or are simply intimidated by the presence of the researcher. In this study, I chose a third method: to obtain evidence related to TV advertising and children by questioning childrens parents. Parental attitudes towards the issue of TV advertising and children are of utmost importance to this issue, given the role played by the parents in a great many aspects of their childrens lives. LITERATURE  SURVEY The marketers and advertisers have shown keen interest on the market segment of childrens product and services; conducted surveys on children television advertising containing trade publications. Involvement of Academicians on the research studies of children research during the period of 1980 was reduced to the amount of publication on the products of children.1 A little publication was done to the childrens television. Investigation had showed that animation which was used to the adult target audience, now using for the children programming especially in the commercials for games, toys, candies, cereals, etc. A study on the content analysis of television advertising of today children has focused on the change or growth in presentation of advertisements over the period. The findings concluded in the study were as: The male voice-over is still predominant in advertising 32 The advertisement which has focused on personal gain to fun and happiness of children, now focused on childrens product performance. In the study conducted on evaluation of research pertaining to children and advertising by Jeffry Gold Slain in four countries namely Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands and Britain; found little evidence to supporting the position that the children are vulnerable to advertising. He opined that the influence of mass media is more on children than on parents and playmates. The argument is that the commercial advertisement creates wants in children and bring pester power on their parents for the products advertisement. In fact, the parents succumb to their childrens demands assuming to be true despite paucity of support evidence. Jeffry Gold Slain believes that the influence of children has come by the advertisers from so many directions which have no critical examination. The Task-force of the American Psychological Association had conducted a study on children and observed that children under the age of 8 years are unable to comprehend critically the televised advertising messages and are prone to accept the advertised messages as truthful, accurate and unbiased. This can lead to unhealthy eating food-habits as evidenced by todays youth obesity epidemic. The Association sums up that advertising targeting children under the age of eight is to be restricted.4 When the cable culture was in rise in India, a study on the impact of television advertising on children in Delhi in 1992 by NamithaUnnikrisnan and ShailajaBajpai has found that: More than 70 per cent of children in the age group of 8 to 15 years want to own products advertised on television 33 Children favourite advertisements included airline advertisement Perception of children about television advertising is one of the most important influencers in childrens lives and watching television more than ever before. Advertisement is only likely to increase with time as television services extend their reach and offer greater viewing option Advertisement targeted children acts powerfully and promotes consumer culture and the values associated with it Advertisement, hence, is an investment for the future and the manufacturers expect high pay-off many times over   Ã‚  

Manhattan Project Thesis

Manhattan Project Thesis The Manhattan Project was the secret name for the United States project prior to World War II in order to design and build a nuclear weapon. With the breakthrough of fission in 1939, scientists figured out that nuclear and radioactive materials could be used to make bombs of epic proportions. The idea of building such a weapon originated from Albert Einstein, sharing his idea with President Franklin Roosevelt in 1939. The first atomic bomb was set off in Los Alamos, New Mexico on July 16, 1945. One month after the first atomic bomb was set off; the United States dropped two atomic bombs over the Japanese islands of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In 1938, many people believed that Adolf Hitler had produced an atomic bomb in Germany with his scientists being able to split uranium. Hitlers racism towards Jews, however, caused many Jewish scientists to seek safety in the United States. One of these scientists that looked to America for safety was physicist Albert Einstein. Einstein, a known pacifist, ignored his beliefs and wrote a letter to President Franklin Roosevelt. In his letter, Einstein advised President Roosevelt to develop an atomic bomb before Hitler was able to. Soon, Roosevelt concurred with Einstein and developed the Manhattan Project, a secret project designed to build an atomic bomb. The Manhattan Project was not known to many individuals. It was held privately through numerous agencies and was not shared with the public. By the year 1945, the Manhattan Project had up to 40 laboratories in operation and up to 200,000 employees operating in order to build the first atomic bomb. Before the Manhattan Project began, the study of the physics and the reactions of different elements were occurring. Although these scientific discoveries were occurring, the political fabric of countries was tearing. Japan was beginning its military expansion, eventually invading Manchuria in 1931. In Europe, Hitlers rise to power was beginning and his expansion of Nazism was overtaking Europe. The tear of politicial stability was not in these countries alone. Italy was suffering the change to Fascist government under dictator Benito Mussolini. Other countries experiencing political instability occurred all throughout central Europe and Spain. The rise of Stalinism in the Soviet Union was leading into the Great Purge from 1936-1938, with the people of the Soviet Union having to deal with political oppression and discrimination. The rise of Hitler and Japan were causing political turmoil in the world. Hitler began instituting the Nuremburg Laws, thus beginning the persecution of Jews in Germany. In March 1936, Germany begins its invasion of Europe by taking over the Rhineland. In July 1937, Japan invades China, causing a shift of power in Asia. In November of 1937, the Axis Alliance is created by the countries of Germany, Italy, and Japan. In March of 1938, Germany takes control of Austria and takes over Czechoslovakia in September. The actions of the Axis Alliance are the beginning of what is known today as World War II. This time of the world cause many other countries to fear the possibility of an atomic bomb. The power to create such a weapon was getting more plausible as the war continued. The discovery of fission had occurred when Germany began resorting to conquest by force, rather than just mere intimidation. Although at the time it was not sure whether it was possible to control the release of the atomic power, many European physicists did not want to find out the hard way with Hitler being in power. European scientists Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard sent a letter to President Franklin Roosevelt addressed from Einstein, which warned the United States of the possibility of nuclear weapons being used by the Axis Alliance. The letter, which is now known as the Einstein Letter, was delivered to the President on October 11, 1939. The President then called a meeting of the Advisory Committee of Uranium, also known as the Briggs Uranium Committee, in Washington D.C. Due mainly to constant lack of interest; the progress on the subject was halfhearted and questionable to the United States. The next step in the projects for a nuclear weapon occurred in the United Kingdom, with the United States not seriously considering nuclear warfare at the time. In 1940, the German army invaded the country of Denmark. Denmark was home to one of the leading scientists in atomic research in the world, Niels Bohr. The Allies feared that Germany would overtake Denmark and his home, and then forced to work for Nazi Germany in order to build an atomic bomb for Germany. Before he could be captured, the British Secret Service helped him escape to Sweden, which allowed him to escape to the United States so he could escape the takeover of Nazi Germany. Throughout 1940, Germany and their scientists were working on a project similar to the Manhattan Project. If the German scientists were to have achieved their project before the United States, the war could have ended in a disaster for the Allies. On June 18, 1942, Brig. Gen. Wilhelm D. Styer told Col. James Marshall to form an Army Corps of Engineers District to occupy and fuse atomic bomb development. During August of 1942, Marshall formed a new District group with the purposeful deceptive name Manhattan Engineer District, which is now known as the Manhattan Project. Although the Manhattan Project was formed in August, the real work did not begin until September. Groves aggressive, forceful behavior did not make him a fan among the scientists that were working on the Manhattan Project. Many of the scientists hated Groves and his technique. However, after the war, many of the scientists appreciated Groves and his attitude because they realized how important his executive and decision-making intelligence was to the Manhattan Project. Scientists from all over the world helped with the Manhattan Project in order to help dismantle the Axis Powers under the command of Groves. Scientists from the United States, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Britain, and Italy worked on the Manhattan Project in order to build an atomic bomb. Winston Churchill, leader of Britain, and President Roosevelt were both worried about the possibility of Germany producing a nuclear weapon before the Allies did. The possibility of Germany obtaining nuclear weapons worried many leaders of the Allies. The two leaders, Roosevelt and Churchill, met in Canada in August 1943. At the meeting, it was determined that they needed to do all they could in order to disrupt Germanys race to obtain nuclear arms. In February 1943, Special Operations Executive saboteurs accomplished a bomb plant in the Rjukan nitrates industrial unit in Norway. After the plant was rebuilt, 150 United States planes successfully bombed the plant, thus destroying it once more. In January of 1944, a Norwegian resistance group sunk a Germany boat that was carrying many vital resources for a nuclear program. In 1944, work on the Manhattan Project was in full throttle. The process was to achieve the actual development of the weapons, fissile matter construction, and the transportation of the weapon. In July 1944, the Manhattan Project achieved first priority project in the United States. The project cost two billion dollars in order to obtain the necessary materials and equipment in order to make the Manhattan Project a success. The Manhattan Project had many laboratories, but three of the main ones were Hanford, Washington, Los Alamos, New Mexico, and Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Each of these was provided with different responsibilities throughout the Manhattan Project. The laboratories at Oak Ridge were to provide the element of Uranium-235, while the scientist at Hanford were providing the United States with plutonium used for weapons. The Los Alamos laboratory was the essential site used to put together the nuclear weapons used to the war. Four of the atomic bombs that were produced by the United States were produced at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Uranium-235 is the main component in making an atomic bomb. Chemically, uranium-235 cannot be separate from its more profuse cohort, uranium-238. The only way that these two elements can be separated from one another is physically. The Manhattan Project looked for many different means in splitting the two elements, deciding on two of the processes. One mean of splitting the two elements is by the electromagnetic process. This process of splitting the elements was discovered by Earnest Orlando Lawrence at the University of California. The other process is the process of diffusion was made available at Columbia University. Both of the processes mentioned require huge, difficult facilities and buildings, and the processes both require extreme usages of electricity in order to achieve the processes. The diffusion method particularly needed large amounts of electricity in order to be successful. Both processes need these facilities and large amounts of power to only produce a small amount of the separated element, uranium-235. A third process was created by Phillip Abelson called thermal diffusion, which was used for a time in separating the elements. These methods were used primarily at the Oak Ridge facility in Tennessee. Another essential element in the atomic bomb making process is plutonium-239. The method for obtaining this element was produced by Arthur Compton at a laboratory at the University of Chicago. The procedure involves the alteration in a reactor mound of uranium-238. In December 1942, Enrico Fermi eventually achieved in making and managing a fission chain reaction in this reactor pile in Chicago. Value production of plutonium-293 required the building of large size and energy that would discharge 25,000 kilowatt-hours of heat for each gram of plutonium that was made. It included the making of chemical removal methods that would work in a way that was never done before. A middle step in making this process was based solely on the production of the laboratory at Oak Ridge, while the larger reactors were being built at the laboratory in Washington at the Hanford Engineering Works. During the summer of 1945, the Manhattan Project finally received enough plutonium-239 in order to produce a quality nuclear explosion from Hanford Engineering. The advancement in the development of the weapons and the innovation of the design of the weapon, along with obtaining the necessary elements for the nuclear bomb were completed enough to where a test of the nuclear weapon could be planned. The test was not simple to achieve, having to obtain complicated and highly structured equipment that had to be constructed and assemble in order to achieve a success on the atomic bomb test run. In 1945, the Manhattan Project achieved its goal of producing an atomic bomb. After six years, the scientists working on the Manhattan Project were able to harness and control the reaction of nuclear fission. With the efforts of many individuals throughout these years, the first nuclear test bomb was produced. With the code name Trinity, the first nuclear bomb test went off on July 16, 1945 in New Mexico, which lead into what is now known as the Atomic Age. The first atomic bomb was set off at 5:30 AM on July 16, 1945, which was known as the Trinity test. The test occurred on a military base in Alamogordo, New Mexico, which is located nearly 120 miles from the city of Albuquerque. The atomic bomb was set off on top of a steel tower that was encircled by scientific equipment in order to obtain information about the nuclear explosion. Scientists and military personnel viewed the atomic explosion from a bunker that was placed nearly ten thousand yards away. When the atomic bomb was set off, there was an intense flash of light, an unexpected surge of heat, and then an incredible as a shock wave roared throughout the basin and the air base. Then, a ball of fire suddenly rose quickly, trailed by a mushroom cloud that went up to 40,000 feet in the air. The blast was equal to nearly fifteen to twenty thousand tons of dynamite and TNT. The tower on which the bomb was placed on did not exist anymore after the explosion and the ground that surroun ded the tower fused to glass due to the bomb. The Trinity test provided the proof and testing need to assure scientists, government, and each of the workers on the Manhattan Project that their work was not in vain. The test provided the evidence needed to assure everyone that both a uranium and plutonium bomb was possible to create. The tests during the Trinity test allowed scientists to continue with their plan to use the nuclear weapons in World War II in order to defeat the Axis Powers. However, by the time that the tests went off successfully, Germany had already surrendered to the Allies. Nearly seventy scientists had signed a petition to not be used on the grounds of morals and ethics. The scientists did not morally believe that the nuclear weapons should be used. However, President Harry S. Truman ignored the warnings and the petitions of the scientists. President Truman decided to use the bombs on Japan in order to send them a message that the United States had these weapons and were willing to use them. On August 6th, 1945 the United States used a B-29 bomber in order to drop an atomic bomb by the name of Little Boy on Hiroshima. It was estimated that sixty-six thousand people died instantly as Little Boy detonated. The destruction totaled Over the years, it has been guess that up to two hundred thousan d people died from the attack on Hiroshima. When Japans surrender never came, the United States dropped another atomic bomb on the island of Nagasaki three days later. On August 10th, 1945, Japan surrendered thus ending World War II.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Civil War Essay -- American History Civil War

The election of Lincoln, secession of the southern states and the Confederate States of America Constitution set the stage for the bloodiest and saddest war in American history. Before the Civil War even began the nation was divided into four very distinct regions; Northeast, Northwest, Upper south and the Southwest. With two fundamentally different labor systems, slavery in the south and wage labor in the North, the political, economic and social changes across the nation would show the views of the North and the South. The civil war was based on the abolitionists' ideas of emancipation and liberation of slavery the North wanted the war in order to create a society without slavery. The North's aggression to control the south lead to the where were it was no longer tolerable for the South. With the election of the anti-slavery Republican Abraham Lincoln, the southern states decided they had to take drastic action in order to protect their own interests. The south had been waiting fo r an excuse to secede form the union, the election of Lincoln by the North was their chance. The Northern abolitionists' states were mainly responsible for the Civil war in many political, social and economic aspects. Politically, the Northerners contributed immensely to the opening of the Civil War. John Brown's Raid at Harpers Ferry made the south believe the Northerners had a whole scheme to ban slavery. The South wondered how or why they would remain in the Union when a "murderous gang of abolitionists" were running around. Southerners also believed that this violent abolitionist's view was a common one shared by the entire North. This act of the North made the South resent the North's pushy ways and begin to think of leaving the Union. The Dred... ...nt to the south to free the slaves from their masters and the Underground Railroad that secretly moved slaves from safe house to safe house until they were in Canada, tremendously angered the South. They realized that they needed to fight in order to get the independence they wished for, so then there could therefore do what they wished. Politically, the North further split the views on issues and developed more laws against slavery in the South. Socially the North strengthened their own cause in the because of things like Uncle Tom's cabin; that lead to Northerners forming the Underground Railroad. Economically, the South was crushed with protection tariffs that emptied out southern pockets. The North most definitely contributed to the Political, Social and Economic issues that divided and angered the country in the time before 1861; eventually leading to Civil War.

Friday, July 19, 2019

General Haig a Butcher not War Hero Essay -- World War I WWI WW1 Sir D

Sir Douglas Haig was born on the 19th June 1861. The Field Marshal was very highly ranked in the duration of The Great War. Haig was a British soldier and a senior Commander of The British Expeditionary Force from the year of 1915. General Haig is notorious for commanding the Battle Of The Somme and also renowned for the third battle of Ypres and various other victories leading to The Triple Entente’s victory of WW1. After the war, Haig was made an Earl and also received gratified thanks from both Houses of Parliament. So, If General Haig was such a renowned role model and congratulated for aiding greatly to the victory of the cold war, why on earth did some people refer to him as a ‘Butcher’? During the early stages of the war, it was classed as ‘Stale Mate’ - hence the beginning of the trenches. WW1 was revolved around Static Warfare. This resulted in many deaths and injuries gaining little land each time. People believe that the countless death to lls from battles is mainly down to Sir Douglas Haig thus creating the name ’Butcher’. But what is the truth? Where the deaths just an unfortunate aspect of the war or could the high numbers have been less? Many historians and common wealth citizens believe General Haig saw the soldiers as pawns, metaphorically speaking, in his own route to personal glory. Haig allegedly had no pity for the high death count and devoted his care only in winning the war to make himself a ’hero’. This is evident in The Battle Of The Somme. The battle initially began on the 1st of July with a five day bombardment of the enemy trenches. General Haig believed it would jeopardise the Germans giving the British and French divisions an advantage when the soldiers went ‘over the top’. What Haig had not count... ... potent reason for me believing this is Haig was well aware of the merciless deaths in both the Battle of the Somme and the Battle of Neuve Chappelle which were occurring and the failing tactics yet did nothing to stop this. The General stubbornly stuck to his plan so if they won the battle, he could claim it was under his lead they were successful thus helping him on his way to his own personal Glory. General Haig also blamed Sir John French for the poor reserve and lack of ammo whereas he was in lead of the battle and should have considered these aspects before he allowed his men to fight in the battles. This emphasises the point he saw the soldiers not as men, but as pawns which held less significance than himself and his pride. I also believe the power which was given to him would of not been possible if he had a lack of useful connections to people with power.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Strange Place

Alayna Grant Dr. Bellah English 1301-015 February 15, 2013 Strange Place On July 11th it will be twelve years since I discovered the magical world of yuccas and mesquite trees. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I remember driving all the way down the road that seemed like miles and miles of nothing but wilderness. We seemed to have driven for forever. There were no houses or mobile homes or much of anything. Then we came to a dirt road, and I said â€Å"Daddy I hope we are not going to drive into there. † There looked like an unmarked, mysterious place.It was a new unfamiliar place that I would be the first to discover. As soon as we got out of the truck I started asking questions. â€Å"Daddy is there dinosaurs here? † Then he explained that I would have to go check for myself, so I made that my personal mission. We came back a few days later because he was going to set up the layout of the house, and all that good stuff was going to be put together. I came pre pared this time; I had my binoculars, my toy gun, and my camera. I had my pink binoculars so I could see trouble that I might get into far away.I had my gun in case there was a dinosaur. Finally I had my camera so I could prove to my dad that there were dinosaurs. â€Å"Well here I go. † I said to myself. I start walking and before I know it I’m in this mysterious place. I am seeing things I never saw before. All these trees around me look evil; they have very long, sharp, pointy thorns on them. There were these weird plant look-alike things that I accidently stepped on that poked me and made blood droplets on my leg. There was this mean looking frog that had horns. And before you knew it I had gotten in too deep and was lost.All I could see that was familiar was the baby blue sky and the bright golden sun. So I kept going hoping I would find maybe a sign or a trail. I held my gun close to me just in case I found a dinosaur. Then out of nowhere hops a little grey bunny , he stops to look at me for a second then starts to hop off. I thought to myself â€Å"Maybe if I follow him I can get back to my daddy. † So that’s what I did until he was out of sight. I grabbed my binoculars to try to find him, but he was long gone. He hopped way too fast and I could not hop over the weird looking plants fast enough.So there I was again stuck alone and there were still no signs of any dinosaurs yet. â€Å"Maybe there are not any dinosaurs out here in this place. † I thought to myself, but I’ll keep looking. Gazing through my binoculars I came across something black, something that looked like I had seen before. I start walking faster and faster towards it. And before too long I was back at my dad’s black truck. â€Å"Whoa I thought I was going to be lost forever out here. † I said to my dad. He asked me â€Å"Did you find any dinosaurs’ baby? † And with a sad sounding voice I said â€Å"No but if we build a house out here I can look forever! †

Notes on Skinners behavioural theory

Operant figure is the condition of responses P bents have long known that baberen oppose to a system of bribes and punishments. While to label that this is a simplification of the theories of famed American behaviourist B. F. mule driver would be an understatement, it is accurately descriptive of the to the highest degree basic tantrum of his beliefs. Operant behaviour and operant conditioning, muleteers most widely acclaimed work, is based on a system of both positive and negative musical accompaniment.While it is commonly known that behaviour is moved(p) by its consequences, Skinners heory of operant conditioning besides states that the process does not require iterate efforts, but is instead an immediate chemical reaction to a familiar stimulus. Positive strengthener Beginnings of the idler & Food Experiment In an experiment with a rat employ solid regimen as a reward The rat was placed in a calamity Over the course of a few days, forage was occasionally deliv ered by an automatic dispenser Before long, the rat approached the fare tray as in short as the fleshy of the dispenser was heard, clearly anticipating the arrival of more foodThe Rat Experiment and Negative Reinforcement Skinner again experimented with rats to show how negative reinforcement can also strengthen behaviour. Skinner placed the rat inside the loge and a sent electric menstruum into the box, as the rat moved some the box it would knock the lever by accident and the electric accredited would stop. The rats soon learned that when they were placed in the box to go straight to the lever to felon off the electric current. Knowing they could go the electric current caused the rats to reverberateedly go to the lever.Not only were the rats taught to stop the electric current but also to avoid it completely. The foundations of child development John Oates Chapter 1 pt3 behaviorism has had a great impact on education, partly because it stresses the importance of the e xternal instauration and development, and there for gives grounds for believing that childrens schooling and behavior can be staggeringly influenced by their teachers use ot the right methods . behaviourist theories see human beings as machines, reacting in a predictable way to stimulus from outside them. s evelopment progresses people garner knowledge but there is no major change in the mental synthesis of their minds. How Does All This Relate to Children? One of the aspects all-important(a) to human behaviour, though, is the feelings associated with behaviour that is controlled by conditioning. When forward behaviours have been rewarded, children ar likely to replicate those behaviours happily and testamentingly, feeling that they are doing what they want to be doing.If, on the other hand, children choose behaviours in order to avoid a repeat of negative reinforcement, they ay behave appropriately, but will be inclined to feel that their exemptions are being suppressed. In reality, the actual freedom still exists, of course. Children, like the rest of us, are free to behave in whatsoever manner that they choose, as long as they are willing to accept the consequences of their actions. splice PavloVs Dog Stimulus conditioning Pavlov showed the populace of the unconditioned response by presenting a dog with a bowl of food and the measuring its salivary secretions.However, when Pavlov iscovered that any target or event which the dogs learnt to associate with food (such as the lab assistant) would trigger the alike(p) response, he realized that he had do an important scientific discovery, and he habituated the rest of his career to studying this casing of learning. In his experiment, Pavlov used a chime as his neutral stimulus. Whenever he gave food to his dogs, he also rang a bell. after(prenominal) a number of repeats of this procedure, he act the bell on its own. As you dexterity expect the bell now, on its own, caused an profit in sal ivation.